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Prophecy delivered by Virgin Mary at Garabandal

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The Beginning

Garabandal is a small village in northern Spain, in the Santander province, near

the Picos de Europa mountains, a rugged and beautiful setting. Its full name is

San Sebastian of Garabandal. It is located 600 meters above sea level, some

57 miles from the capital of the province. To get there one must climb steep,

poor roads. No more than 300 people live in Garabandal. The town is

impressively quiet. There is no doctor in the town and no resident pastor at the

parish church. The pastor from Cosio, the next town down the road, used to

celebrate Mass there on Sunday.

In the evening of June 18, 1961, four girls were playing on the outskirts of the

town - Conchita Gonzalez, Maria Dolores (Mari-loli) Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez

and Maria Cruz Gonzalez (not related despite having the same name.) Maria

Cruz was eleven, the others twelve, and all were from poor families.

Suddenly they heard a loud noise, like thunder, and saw before them the bright

figure of the Archangel Michael. On the following days the Archangel appeared

to them again in the same place. He announced that on July 2 they would see

Our Lady. This was the beginning of the Garabandal events.

Our Lady of Carmel

The news spread quickly through the region. July 2 was a Sunday and the town

was crowded. There were people from all social levels and very many from out

of town, among them several physicians and priests. At six in the evening the

girls went to the place where the Angel had appeared, and to the surprise of the

crowd they entered into ecstasy. Our Lady appeared to them accompanied by

two angels, one being St. Michael. The girls described the vision as follows:

"She is dressed in a white robe with a blue mantle and a crown of golden stars.

Her hands are slender. There is a brown scapular on her right arm, except when

she carried the Child Jesus in her arms. Her hair, deep nut-brown, is parted in

the center. Her face is long, with a fine nose. Her mouth is very pretty with lips

a bit thin. She looks like a girl of eighteen. She is rather tall. There is no voice

like hers. No woman is just like her, either in the voice or the face or anything

else. " Our Lady Manifested herself as Our Lady of Carmel."

The Ecstasies

When the vision appeared, the girls fell instantaneously on their knees, striking

the sharp rocks with a loud noise that was frightening, yet they showed no signs

of injury. The expression on their faces was suddenly transformed. Their look

became extraordinarily beautiful, sweet, one of profound mysticisim. There are

no words that can properly describe the change. They were completely

absorbed in their rapture, unaware of anyone or any material thing around them

except for each other. They did no react to pricks, burns or blows. All attempts

to distract them failed. Powerful beams of strong light were focused on them,

yet their eyes did not even flicker, blink or show any signs of discomfort. Quite

the contrary, their eyes remained wide open , expressing a look of intense joy.

However, when the girls returned to the normal state, they immediately shielded

their eyes from those bright lights which under normal circumstances should

have caused permanent eye damage.

During these ecstasies, which lasted from a few minutes to several hours, time

did not seem to count. On many occasions they remained immobile in off-

balance, beautiful "sculptured-like" positions, heads tilted back, eyes looking

up, kneeling on the rocks or bare-legged in the snow. At the end of the ecstasy,

they showed no signs of excitation or nervousness, just deep, profound peace

and joy.

The Messages

First Message

Visionaries transmitted two messages. The first one, delivered by the Blessed

Virgin on the 18th of October of 1961, reads:

"We must pay visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Many sacrifices must be

made. Much penance must be done. But first of all we must be good...

If we do not do this, punishment awaits us... already the Cup is being

filled, and if we do not change, we shall be punished.".

Second Message

The second and last message, delivered by Saint Michael the Archangel in the

name of the Blessed Virgin, on June 18th, 1965 reads:

"As my message of the 18th of October hasn´t been fulfilled and announced

to the world, I will say to you that this is the last one. Before the Cup was

being filled, now is being spilled over the brim. Priests, Bishops and

Cardinals, many of them take the way of perdition and carry many more

souls with them. Eucharist is given less and less importance. We must

strive to avoid God´s wrath. If you ask for forgiveness with your sincere

souls, He will forgive you.

I, your Mother, by the Archangel Saint Michael mediation, want to tell

you that you are on the last warnings. I love you so much, and I don´t

want your eternal condemnation. Ask us sincerely, and we will give it to

you. You must sacrifice yourselves more. Think of Jesus Passion."

In 1965, upon Conchita´s decision, and bearing in mind the damage that could

be caused to the Church, which hadn´t been reached by scandals yet, she only

inserted the word "Priests" in the copy of the second message signed by her,

that´s how contents weren´t altered, as it encloses all the people who is

consecrated to God´s service.

The Prophecies

Perhaps, Garabandal´s prophecies are the most striking point talk of everybody,

the one which is most announced, so that those who heard them before, believe

due to its unavoidable future fulfillment, and also, it must be admitted, to the

morbid pleasure some people experience on their apocalyptic storm clouds.

We can divide them according to their greater or smaller relevance, and to their

already past or future accomplishment.

Minor prophecies

Already accomplished

They are all the miracles and ectasy which were notified with days or hours in

advance, happened afterwards always with accuracy. The most remarkable

among them is the Miracle of the Sacred Host.

It is a charasteristic of Garabandal: miracles are prophecied.

To be accomplished

Prophecies on certain people in accordance with one of the major prophecies.

In this respect, healings are prophecied about very certain people which are

scientifically impossible. John Paul II will be the last Pope before the beginning

of end times, which is not the same as the end of the world.

Major prophecies.

All to be accomplished in chronological order:

1.-The Warning of God´s Mercy

The Warning is a great act of God´s Mercy, on such a big scale that nothing

compares to it in all mankind´s History, bar The Passion and Death of Our

Lord Jesus Christ. However, its nature has nothing to do with the noiseless,

lonely, humiliating, brutal and loving death of the Lamb of God; but it´s more

like an universal smack, a sort of pulling down the world out of its motorbike,

the same way Saint Paul was unhorsed, in order to make see the whole world

at the same time the blurred figures we have had mocked about previously.

Which information do we have? Here it is:

It will be seen in the sky all over the world and immediately transmitted to the

inside of our souls.

It will be an astronomic phenomenon, similar to a bang of stars with a lot of light

and noise, but it won´t fall over us.

It will be like fire, but it won´t burn our bodies, though it will be felt physically

and internally.

It will last a very short time, but its effects on the world will be huge.

We should not be afraid of death if we are not quaking with fear or, in some

special cases, due to God´s Mercy.

Everyone will see in a short period of time how their souls are before the light

of God, and will know that He exists, and that He has been present at every

single sin of theirs.

It will be like a trial in miniature.

God hopes that, through this act of His Mercy, we amend our lives, and turn

away from the wrong path.

Those who already know and love God, will be closer to Him.

Many will be converted, but still many will keep on denying God, denying the

One Who is, in an act of supreme hypocrisy.

2.- The Great Miracle of God´s Grace

Images that could still remain unclear in our souls after the Warning, thanks to

the Great Miracle, and with our compliance, will turn as clear and neat as a

starry sky (Mc 8, 22-26). The Warning and the Miracle are the two steps of

God´s Grace and Mercy, where in-between a free choice up to man is tucked

under, The Master has exceptionally consented to His Mother, in spite of His

natural annoyance at giving out signs from heaven to unfaithful generations (Mc

8, 11-13). The Good Shepherd doesn´t come in search of one, but of all His

lost sheeps, an invaluable treasure of souls to Him, being, as He is, God


We have the following information:

It will be a very great Miracle, larger than Fatima´s, and as spectacular and big

as the world needs.

It will occur within one year after the warning.

Conchita knows the date exactly, and must warn us with eight days in advance.

It will be visible from Garabandal and the surrounding mountains.

The Miracle will coincide with an important, very unusual event in the Church

and on a feast day of a martyr of the Eucharist.

It will occur on a Thursday evening at 8:30 pm between the 8th and 16th of

either March, April or May.

It will last from ten to fifteen minutes.

It will not be necessary that the visionaries are present during the event.

The sick who are present will be healed, and the unfaithful will recover their faith.

Father Pio, and the Pope will see the Miracle from wherever they are.

There won´t be any doubt that the event is a Work of God for our salvation.

The Miracle is so impressive, that we would die of happiness if a special grace

is not given to us at the moment of seeing it.

Priest Luis Mº Andreu was given the grace to see the Miracle, and died within

a few hours, plenty of an inmense feeling of joy.

As a result of the Miracle, a permanent sign will remain at the Pines of

Garabandal until the end of the world.

A Permanent sign until the end of the world

As a result of the Great Miracle, a visible permanent sign will remain until the

end of the world at Garabandal Pines. It will be possible to film or take

photographs of it, but it won´t be tangible. It will be a permanent testimony of

what God´s Grace and Mercy did there for the world´s salvation.

4.- The Chastisement of God´s Justice

Firstly, let´s make it plain: the Chastisement is a conditional prophetic event,

that is, it´s fortunately avoidable. Conchita says textually: 'This future Miracle

will take place before the Chastisement, and if the world changes, then

there won´t be any Chastisement'. So, it is up to us to avoid it (or as some

voices in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, puts it, just attenuate it). Someone may

grievously think: 'What a joy means to be dependent on the world´s

conversion for our salvation. If only me and a few more sinners come

through, the devastating fire will fall upon us all the same...'

This kind of anguish doesn´t match with the necessary trust in Providence. Stay

calm. The Warning and The Miracle are two previous incomparable acts of

God´s Grace and Mercy. Its goal is the whole world´s conversion. It´s true: we

are free; if man insists on being burned to a charred cinder until no bone is left.

But it´s also possible to jump out of a window, or rip one-thousand-dollard

notes up, and we perceive there are better things.

Chastisement nature?

A Flood of something worse than fire. For those who like to be very frightened,

here are some details of the avoidable event:

It will fall upon good and wicked, upon children and elderly.

Nobody will escape.

The Inmaculate Heart of Mary will be equivalent to Noah´s Ark, and the

salvation She provides is the eternal one.

According to Conchita: "It will be worse than fire above us, below, and


She carries on: "I saw people jumping into the sea, but instead of driving the

fire off, they seemed to burn more in it."

During the ecstasies in which the children saw the chastisement, they began to

shout in pain: Oh, Let the children die first, let the people confess...!

Their shouting and moaning on ecstasy caused so much panic in the village that

everybody confessed and received the Holy Communion at those days.

In case it occurs, two thirds of mankind will perish, and the rest will prefer being

dead to facing the catastrophe.

Many of the survivors will convert and mankind will begin a period of peace

and love.

If we begin now this period of peace and love, there won´t be any chastisement.

They are the end times, not the end of the world.

- Extracts from documents containing the original information -

Remember to bookmark before venturing to The Garabandal Home Page.

Further Resources

Blessed Among Women
by Gregory Scott Sparrow

Encountering Mary: Visions From La Salette to Medjugorje
by Sandra Zimdars-Swartz

Fatima in Lucia's Own Words
by Lucia Santos

Letters From Medjugorje
by Wayne Weible

Mary Mother of All: Protestant Perspectives of Medjugorje
edited by Sharon E. Cheston

Medjugorje: The Message
by Wayne Weible

Medjugorje: The Mission
by Wayne Weible

Visions of the Children: The Apparitions at Medjugorje
by Janice T. Connell

Related On-Site Articles

Story of Fatima

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La Salette

Medugorge and Akita

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